Thursday, May 13, 2010

why there is no practice on Friday in Monaco?

Because Monaco is a soverign nation recognised by the United Nations but is not under the direct juridiction of other large international institutions such as the EU, it does not have to strictly follow many of the common conventions adhered to by the rest of the world, such as having 24 hours in a day, or having 7 days in a week or having to comply with Newton’s Third Law of Motion.

Therefore, the Monacanese people don’t actually have such a thing as a ‘Friday’, like you or I do, but instead use that particular time period to gather the entire population in Casino Square where there is a traditional community brunch of caviar on toast with Dodo eggs boiled by an enormous fire of burning $100 notes.

As you can imagine, attempting to do this during the traditional weekly period while several 300KPH+ rocketships blast past on the way down to Mirebeau would be horribly dangerous and so they run practice on Thursdays so to not intrude on this local custom.

Credit:Magnificent Geoffrey's